Total relief for back pain now available in New York, NY!

March 13, 2012 at 2:45 pm

Many people have suffered from back pain. No matter what method they try, the back pain they suffer recurs and bothers them again. There is a new method available now and it involves our muscles. Muscles are often the cause of back pain and it is often under-diagnosed. However, this is quite tricky because our muscles work in an orchestrated manner. They work together in order for us to move so pinpointing the exact muscle that’s causing the pain will require specific diagnostic work.

Effective back pain diagnosis and treatment in New YorkA common example is that patients with should and neck pain report discomfort in the trapezius muscle, which runs from the top of the arm to the neck. Interestingly, we at the clinic have realized that it is actually the infraspinatus muscle that’s causing the pain. When misdiagnosis occurs, then it is not difficult to imagine why treatment is ineffective.

We use the same treatment approach for the lower back. There are instances that the pain originates from the buttocks but felt in your back. This may also go the other way around. So now, the most logical question to answer is how will we know for sure which muscle is the source of pain.

Trained doctors in New York, NY have developed a new method in accurately identifying the muscle that’s causing the pain. What was done before was to apply pressure on muscles where pain is felt. Now, we use an electric device named Muscle Pain Detection Device (MPDD). Random tests at NYU/Langone Medical Center show that MPDD is more accurate in identifying the true source of pain. As a result, patients can now finally get the relief they so long have searched for.

Currently, many people suffering from non-specific back pain are receiving incorrect and ineffective treatment. Back pain treatment guided by the Muscle Pain Detection Device helps patients receive accurate diagnosis and treatment program.

Entry filed under: Back pain, Back pain treatment, Muscle pain detection, Muscle Pain Detection Device, Pain diagnosis, Pain relief, Pain treatment, Shoulder arthroscopy, Shoulder injury, Shoulder pain. Tags: , , , , , .

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